In need of an english-speaking baby expert?

Dear parents, I am a parenting- and babycoach, based in Munich. I offer all my services in English as well, so here you’ll find a quick overview about me and what I do. Please don’t hesitate to reach out any time, so I can provide you with further information.

If you are looking to book me, feel free to contact me via “Buchung und Kontakt”, email or my phone number!

My name is Katharina Schatz, I’m originally from the west of Germany, but after some time living in San Francisco as a Nanny, I came to Munich, where I’ve been working as a Nanny for several years now. I specialize in newborn and infant care, I’m also experienced in taking care of preemies and especially multiples.

Since you can only support one family at a time as a Nanny, I decided on doing special trainings, about several topics, to move on into the coaching area. 

The goal of my work is to make your life as a family and the start into this new chapter as smooth and easy as possible. I want to support parents to optimize the daily life with a baby, which often includes many challenges.

After a call for first impressions about what you need and how I can possibly support you, a questionnaire follows, so I can get to know you a little more, to be as prepared as possible for the actual coaching. We will meet in your home, so there is no complicated getting there for you and your baby.

Most of my coachings include a following check-in by phone, nevertheless you can contact me anytime, if further questions or difficulties occur. Of course a follow-up coaching in person can always be booked.

If you are unsure which coaching could help you best or have questions in multiple topics, I am happy to greet you in my general baby or pregnancy consultation. All questions and worries will find their space here, also I am happy to help you getting ready for babys arrival, deciding on all the baby equipment or accompanying you in difficult appointments.

What I offer:

Sleep-Coaching and Regulation-Difficulties

Infant-Nourishment (breastfeeding, formula and solids)


General Baby-Coaching (for all questions, a little bit of everything, support with new tasks like bathtime)

Pregnancy-Coaching (equipment, supplies, preparation etc.)

Newborn- and Infant-Care (like a professional babysitter for the really early days)

Baby-, Parenting- and Mommy-Classes




I’m happy to answer any of your questions, both about me and what I offer, as well as all the questions surrounding pregnancy, your baby and the new family-life!

I’m excited to get to know you and your little one!



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